LBA Policies and Procedures

More details of the policies and procedures that govern our nursery can found in the parents breakfast bar or nursery office.

Following the government guidelines, all our robust safety procedures have been enhanced to help to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus and keep our children, staff, and families safe in our setting. We have put additional measures in place and rigorous infection control measures to provide you with the reassurance that we take our responsibilities very seriously.


  • We ask the parents to fully cooperate and support our efforts by keeping social distancing when dropping off and collecting their children. The manager will be assisting morning temperature checks to speed up the procedure and enable parents to leave to work as soon as possible.
  • Parents are asked to wear masks or face coverings. Parents who are unable to wear face-covering, please notify the manager.
  • Should you wish to have a longer chat with the manager, please arrange a telephone consultation, or video call to reduce close contact.
  • Children with a high temperature or Covid-19 symptoms will not be permitted in the nursery until fully recovered (in line with government guidance)
  • we will ensure soft furniture is kept to essential only, and it will be steamed/”fogged”/sanitised after each session.
  • Trips to forests/open spaces will be suspended whilst the procedure is in place.
  • All essential visitors will have their temperature checked on arrival and must wear face-covering
  • Interviews will be conducted virtually.
  • All parent tours will also be conducted or virtually or after/before nursery opening hours (the temperature checks, social distancing and face-covering will apply).
  • Following any visitor or parent settle, the nursery team will thoroughly clean areas that have been visited and anything touched.
  • During settling in the process (that has been amended to accommodate current social distancing guidelines), we will ensure children feel safe and secure:
  • If the child needs a parent present to settle, we will aim to start the garden’s settling-in process (distancing from other children).
  • If the weather is not permitting, we will start settling in the room with PPE requirements for staff and the parent (only one parent allowed) and maintaining a social distance of 2m.
  • We will increase the distance between tables, activities, and sleep mats where possible.

Rigorous infection control measures

Our staff, children and their families can be confident that our service has rigorous infection control measures in place, such as:

  • robust basic hygiene practices such as regular handwashing (practitioners and children)
  • clean and disinfect regularly touched objects and surfaces more often than usual using your standard cleaning products
  • waterproof dressing to cover any existing wounds or lesions
  • personal protective equipment (PPE) such as aprons and gloves are used as necessary
  • clear procedures are in place for cleaning equipment and wider environment
  • immediate cleaning of spillages of blood and other bodily fluids
  • infection control guidance and management procedures in place which is clearly understood and adhered to by staff

What should we do if a child starts displaying symptoms of Covid-19 in our nursery?

If anyone in our setting develops a new, continuous cough or a high temperature or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia). In that case, we will contact you to pick up your child, and we will advise you to follow the guidelines for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.

This sets out that they must:

  • self-isolate for at least 10 days
  • arrange to have a test to see if they have coronavirus (COVID-19)

Safeguarding children is our top priority and everyone’s business. That is why our culture is a safeguarding culture where children can grow happily, be treated with respect and be safe from any abuse in whatever form and our staff promote. At LBA, we will always work with children, parents, external agencies, and the community to ensure children’s welfare and safety and give them the very best start in life. In our setting, we strive to protect children from maltreatment, abuse, preventing harm to children’s health or development and the risk of radicalisation. We promote acceptance and tolerance of other beliefs and cultures to encourage children to develop a positive self-image and develop a sense of independence and autonomy in a way appropriate to their age and stage of development.

Our prime responsibility is the welfare and well-being of all children in our care. As such, we believe we have a duty to the children, parents, and staff to act quickly and responsibly in any instance that may come to our attention. All staff will work as part of a multi-agency team where needed in the child’s best interests.


Our Safeguarding Policy, in line with the Local Children Safeguarding Board, outlines our duties to ensure staff are trained right from induction to understand the child protection and safeguarding policy and procedures, are alert to identify possible signs of abuse (including the symptoms known as softer signs of abuse), understand what is meant by child protection and are aware of the different ways in which children can be harmed, including by other children through bullying or discriminatory behaviour.


To this extend, we will:

  • Ensure staff understand how to recognise early indicators of potential radicalisation and terrorism threats and act on them appropriately in line with national and local procedures
  • Follow safer recruitment procedure and check staff suitability prior to their work with children
  • Ensure that all staff feel confident and supported to work in the best interest of the child, share information and seek the help that the child may need
  • Make any child protection referrals in a timely way, sharing relevant information as necessary in line with procedures set out by the Coventry Local Safeguarding Children Board
  • Make any referrals relating to extremism to the police (or the Government helpline) in a timely way, sharing relevant information as appropriate
  • Ensure that information is shared only with those people who need to know to protect the child and act in their best interest
    Ensure that children are never placed at risk while in charge of nursery staff
  • Identify changes in staff behaviour and act on these as per the Staff Behaviour Policy
  • Take any appropriate action relating to allegations of serious harm or abuse against any person working with children or living or working on the nursery premises

Full Policy can be found in the parents’ pack and available at parents’ breakfast bad and the office.

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Terms and conditions.

September 2023

The following terms and conditions (and the documents referred to herein) constitute your entire contract with Little Big Adventure Coventry Limited (“LBA”, “Us” or “We”), (company number registered under 13190195), our registered office and correspondence address is Little Big Adventure Coventry Ltd, Wakefield Crossing Cottage, Yarmouth Green, Canley, Coventry, CV4 8BN; for childcare services (the “Services”).


  1. Care Requirements:

1.1 You will provide Us with a copy of your child’s birth certificate.

1.2 You will ensure all information supplied in the registration form is correct and up to date. You must immediately inform us of any change to this information, which includes:

1.2.1 any special educational needs and/or disability (SEND);

1.2.2 medical needs (including allergies/intolerances and/or medical conditions and whether your child requires medicine to be administered). Your child’s attendance at LBA whilst on medication is at our sole discretion.

1.2.3 any court or consent order or signed custodial agreement relating to your child’s care arrangements; and

1.2.4 contact details for you and any other person(s) authorised to collect your child. We reserve the right not to release your child to a person if We are not satisfied they are authorised to collect them.


1.3 Your child is not permitted to attend LBA nursery if they are suffering from a contagious illness (including sickness, diarrhoea or chicken pox) and cannot return until they have been symptom free for 48 hours, or cleared by a Doctor to return.


1.4 We may administer first aid in the event of an incident or accident, certain types of non-medically prescribed medication (such as to reduce your child’s temperature or respond to an allergic reaction) or apply sun creams / nappy cream as We deem appropriate. You must notify Us if you do not consent to this, but please note that it may result in your child not being permitted to attend LBA.


1.5 We have an obligation to report to relevant authorities any instances where We consider that a child may have been neglected or abused. We may do so without your consent and/or without informing you.


1.6 To help Us manage allergens You must not send food or food packaging into LBA nursery. Please do not use creams, sun creams, oils on your child that may contain nut oil, e.g. arachis.


  1. Fees and Payment

2.1 Fees

Except as otherwise stated, Registration Fees are non-refundable.


Fees are set out in the Fee Card provided to You. They are dependent on booking patterns and your child’s age. We may review fees at any time, or amend the way we calculate fees in order to comply with the Local Authority Service Level Agreement. We will provide you with at least four weeks’ notice of any revision to Fees. If you do not accept the revised fee, you may end this contract in accordance with clause 3.2.


Any discount applied to fees is discretionary and solely a gesture of goodwill; it does not constitute a variation of this contract. Where We offer a reduced fee rate after a child’s birthday, it will take effect from the first day of the following billing period.


2.2 Payment

Fees are charged and payable in advance by direct debit/standing order or bank transfer, childcare grant (subject to availability) or tax-free childcare. We will enforce a daily interest charge of 2% above the base rate of the bank of England on overdue fees until paid, plus a £25.00 administration/ late payment fee. We reserve the right to suspend your child’s place at LBA immediately until full payment has been made.


2.3 Minimum Booking / Deferred Start Date

You must book a minimum of two sessions per week, per child (“minimum booking”). If you wish to decrease your child’s sessions you must give Us at least 1 calendar month prior written notice (“Minimum Notice”). You cannot reduce your child’s sessions below the Minimum Booking – if you do so We reserve the right to cancel this contract with you. If You fail to give the Minimum Notice, you shall remain responsible for paying the full fees for your child from the date you give notice until the end of the Minimum Notice period.


If you wish to defer your child’s start date you must give Us the Minimum Notice. If You fail to give the Minimum Notice, you shall remain responsible for paying the full fees for your child from the originally agreed start date until the end of the Minimum Notice period.


2.4 Late Collection Charges

LATE PICK-UPS: We ask that for late pick ups, where possible, you let us know in advance – although we totally understand that sometimes meetings run over. You must immediately inform Us if you are unable to collect your child by the specified closing time or after your child’s allocated session time. Repetitive Late collection will result in additional fees being charged to your bill for the additional hours of Services provided. This will be invoiced to you monthly in arrears. If We have not been able to reach you or an authorised person to collect your child then we reserve the right to call appropriate government bodies to collect your child.


2.5 Closures and refunds

Please note that we are closed on Public/Bank Holidays, INSET days and 1-week designated days. You will still be charged for these days.

No refund or swapping of sessions will be given for days where (1) your child has been absent due to illness or holidays; (2) We are closed due to a public holiday; (3) We are closed on designated days as per our registration: 5 days around Christmas holidays and two inset days (which We will make known to you in advance). If We take the decision to close due to events or circumstances which are outside LBA’s control, We shall be under no obligation to provide alternative Services to you. If the closure exceeds three days in duration (excluding any days when We would otherwise be closed), We may credit you with an amount that represents the number of days We are closed more than three days.


  1. Ending this Contract

3.1 You have a right to cancel this contract, without liability, within 14 days of the date we confirm your application has been successful. To exercise this right, you must let Us know in writing (email or letter) within this time period. After this time, your cancellation rights are as below and your registration fee will not be refundable.


3.2 Unless your child is eligible to receive Government Funding, you may end this contract at any time by providing Us with at least one calendar month written notice. If your child is eligible to receive Government Funding, you are required to give us at least two calendars months’ notice (failure to do so will result in your deposit being non-refundable).


3.3 We can end this contract at any time by providing you with at least four weeks prior written notice. We can suspend the Services, or end this contract immediately if:

3.3.1 you have failed to pay any fees by the due date; 3.3.2 you have breached any of your obligations under this contract and you have not or cannot put right that breach within a reasonable period of time;

3.3.3 you behave unacceptably (in our sole discretion) in LBA nursery or with any of our colleagues; and/or

3.3.4 your child’s behaviour is deemed by Us to be unacceptable or endangers the safety and wellbeing of other children or our colleagues.


Where we elect to suspend the provision of Services under this clause 3.3, the suspension shall continue whilst We try to resolve the identified problem. If your child is suspended part way through a month, We shall credit any fees you have already paid for the remaining part of that month, calculated on a pro-rata basis. This credit may be offset against any sums payable by you to Us. If the period of suspension under this clause 3.3 exceeds one month, either of us may terminate this contract with immediate effect by giving written notice.


  1. Employment of Staff

4.1 If, during and for a period of six months after the end of this contract, you (directly or indirectly) employ or otherwise engage the services of any of our colleagues who have had contact with your child in the six month period prior to such employment or engagement; then you shall pay to Us a figure representing 20% of that colleague’s gross annual salary at the time they left our employment. This figure represents the costs to Us of recruiting a suitable replacement.


4.2 We do not offer babysitting services. If you wish to use any of our colleagues to provide babysitting services, you acknowledge and agree that this is done entirely at your own risk. You will be contracting directly with the individual providing those babysitting services to you and We accept no liability to you in respect of that individual or those services.


  1. General

5.1 Your child is not permitted to bring any smart device with camera / recording functionality into LBA nursery. We accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to any items left by you or your child at LBA such as car seats, prams, toys, clothing or smart devices. All items are left at your own risk.


5.2 We may unilaterally change any provision of these terms and conditions without notice to you where such change arises from regulatory or legislative requirements. For any other changes to these terms and conditions We will give you four weeks’ notice in writing (including by email).


5.3 These terms and conditions, and our contract with you, are governed by English Law and both of us agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to deal with any matters arising out of or in connection with the contract.


  1. Data Protection

We process personal data, including special category data, for our colleagues, parents and children. We do not retain personal data for longer than necessary; and only in accordance with our contractual and legal obligations. Full details of how We meet our data protection obligations and how you can exercise your rights, is set out in our Privacy Policy available upon request.